
Part of our mission is to provide engineering and technical education to our customers by lending a shared sense of purpose in helping them to develop their employees through incisive network and cybersecurity training we offer.

Cybersecurity Training

As a leader in your business organisation you want to meet the needs of your stakeholders and this requires your ability to manage your own Operational Technology cybersecurity risk. In order to meet this end goal, you would want to engage with a company that can meet your needs cyber needs. Our approach is aligned to the 5 areas of the Cyber Security Framework: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

At RPT, we provide training that equips you with a comprehensive understanding of identifying and managing operational cyber risks, litigation and reputation risks. We can assess your network and devise custom mitigation strategies for your organization against known and potential vulnerabilities within your organisation’s networks, systems, and data to provide the knowledge and skills to your personnel to protect the integrity, security and confidentially of your digital assets and ensure compliance.

By not only identifying your assets but also assessing their criticality to your business success we are able to closely work with you to devise a Cyber Security strategy that meets your immediate needs and addresses your cyber threat landscape, whilst also providing a roadmap to help you maintain a secure environment going forward. Having delivered many Cyber Security Solutions across many different industries, we are well poised to work with our diverse customer base to ensure that their cybersecurity strategy is the right one for their business.

Networks and Telecoms Training

As industrial networks move from proprietary networks to IP-based networks, personnel who are responsible for developing and maintaining these networks are faced with the challenge of managing the underlying complexity and technologies that were originally developed for the IT world. We provide training, transferring the requisite knowledge to deliver high performance, resilient and secure operational networks.